Legal Area
Terms and Conditions of Use
Welcome to our website (“Website”). These Terms and Conditions of Use govern the access and use of . Access and use of the Website, as well as the purchase of products , are based on the assumption that these Terms and Conditions of Use have been read, understood and accepted. This Website is managed and maintained by The level s.r.l. (“Manager”), with registered office in.
If you require any assistance, please visit our area. IInformation about orders, shipments, refunds and returns of products purchased on , the Website registration form, suggestions and other general information about the services provided by can be found in this area. You can contact us through the area.
For any other legal information, please see the Terms of Sale, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy sections on . The Manager may amend or simply update all or part of these Terms and Conditions of Use. Users will be notified of any changes and updates to the Terms and Conditions of Use on the Home Page of as soon as they are adopted and said changes or updates will be binding as soon as they are published on the Website in the aforementioned section. We therefore ask you to regularly visit this section to check for the publication of the most recent and updated Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not agree, in whole or in part, with the Terms and Conditions of Use, we ask you to refrain from using our website.
The access and use of , including viewing its web pages, communicating with the Manager, the option of downloading information on products and purchasing the same on the website, are activities conducted by our users exclusively for personal use unrelated to any commercial, business and professional activity. Please remember that you will be the sole person responsible for the use of and its content. In fact, the Manager cannot be held liable for any use of the website and its content by any of its users that is not in compliance with current laws, without prejudice to the Manager’s liability for wilful misconduct and gross negligence. Specifically, you will be the sole person responsible for the communication of incorrect and false data and information related to third parties, without their express consent, as well as in consideration of the incorrect use of the same.
Finally, since any material will be downloaded or otherwise obtained by using the service at the user’s choice and risk, the user shall be solely liable for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the download, which may not be attributed to the Manager. The Manager declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to the services present on the Website or from any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletion of content, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorised access, alterations of data, failure and/or malfunctioning of the user’s electronic equipment.
The user is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of his/her personal information, including the log-in details that allow access to reserved services, as well as any harmful or prejudicial consequences that may arise for the Manager or third parties as a result of incorrect use, loss, misuse or theft of such information.
1. Privacy Policy
Please read the Privacy Policy carefully, which also applies if users access and use its services, but do not purchase any products. The Privacy Policy will help you to understand how collects and uses your personal data and for what purposes.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
The content of , such as, for example, the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on , including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, patterns, tools, fonts and website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of (collectively the “Contents”), are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights held by Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC – a company with registered office in . The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, of and/or its Content is prohibited without the express written consent of Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC and Provider as the case may be.
Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC and/or the Manager have the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit – at their sole discretion – any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivatives or exploitation in any form, in whole or in part, of the Contents of .
With regard to the use of , you are only authorised to view the Website and its Content. You are also authorised to perform all other temporary acts of reproduction, without economic profit for yourself, which are considered temporary or incidental or an integral and essential part of viewing and its Content and all other browsing operations on the website that are carried out solely for the legitimate use of and its content. However, you are not authorised to make any reproduction, on any medium, of all or part of and its Content. Any act of reproduction must be authorised each time by the Manager and/or Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC or, if necessary, by the creators of the individual works contained on the Website. In any case, such reproductions must be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of the manager and the authors of the individual works contained on the Website. The creators of individual works published on have, at any time, the right to claim the authorship of their works and to oppose any distortion, defacement or any other modification of the works, including any act that is to the detriment of their honour or reputation. You shall undertake to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on or who have collaborated with to create new forms of expression and art intended to be published, even if not exclusively, on the Website, or which they form an integral part of the same. Furthermore, under no circumstances are you authorised to use, in any way or form, the Content of the Website and any individual work protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right. By way of example, you may not alter or otherwise modify the Content and protected works without the consent of Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC and the Manager and, where necessary, of the individual creators of the works published on .
3. Links to other websites contains hyperlinks (“links”) to other websites that have no connection to or the Manager. The Manager does not control or monitor these websites and their content. The Manager cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites and the rules adopted by them, also with regard to your privacy and the processing of your personal data when browsing on said sites. Therefore, please pay attention when you connect to these websites through the links on and read their terms and conditions of use and privacy policy carefully. In fact, we would like to remind you that the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of do not apply to websites managed by parties other than the Manager. provides links to other websites solely to help its users when searching and browsing and to facilitate hyperlinks on the Internet to other websites. Link activation does not imply any recommendation or suggestion by the Manager for users to access and browse on these websites, nor any guarantee of the content, services or goods provided and sold by them to Internet users.
4. Links to
Anyone interested in activating links to the Home page and other web pages of , which can be accessed publicly, are asked to contact the Manager through the Customer Service area. Emailing is necessary to initiate the consent request for the hyperlink to . The activation of links is granted by the Manager to the applicant, freely and on a non-exclusive basis. The Manager has the right to object to the activation of direct links to its website in the event that the requesting party that intends to activate the link to has – in the past – adopted unfair commercial practices or engaged in unfair competition against the Manager or when the Manager fears that such behaviour may be adopted, in the future, or when the requesting party has adopted actions that discredit the Manager, its website or its services in the past or it is feared that it may adopt them in the future. It is, in any case, forbidden to activate deep hypertext links (such as deep frames or deep links) to , as is the unauthorised use of meta-tags, without the consent of the Manager.
5. Content Warning
In any case, the Manager does not guarantee that the content of the website is appropriate or lawful in other countries, outside Italy. Therefore, if such content is deemed to be unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, we ask that you refrain from accessing our website. However, should you choose, in any case, to access it, we inform you that the use you decide to make of the services provided by will be your exclusive, personal responsibility.
The Manager has also taken all useful precautions to assure its users that the Content of are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information, with respect to the date of their publication on the website and, insofar as possible, even afterwards. However, the Manager does not assume any responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on , without prejudice to its liability for wilful misconduct and gross negligence and unless otherwise required by law. Furthermore, the Manager cannot guarantee users that the website will operate continuously, without interruption and without errors or malfunctions due to the Internet connection. If you have any problems using our website, please contact us through the Customer Service area. A member of staff will be at your disposal to assist you and to help you restore your connection and access to the website, if this is possible. Likewise, we recommend that you contact your Internet service provider or check that every device involved in your Internet connection and accessing online content is properly activated, including your Internet browser. Although the Manager will endeavour to make every effort to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its content may not allow to operate without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to the need to update the website. The Manager has adopted adequate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security of its services on , the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications against non-permitted forms of use or access and to avoid risks of leaks, destruction and loss of confidential and non-confidential data and information related to its users, present , or unauthorised access or access to said data and information that is not in accordance with the law.
6. Our business policy
The Manager has adopted its own business policy; its mission consists in selling products through its services and its website to the “final consumer” only, with this term indicating a natural person who uses for purposes that are unrelated to his/her commercial, business or professional activity. If you are not a final consumer, please do not use our services to purchase products on . Otherwise, the Manager shall have the right to disregard purchase orders from parties other than final consumers and any other purchase order that does not comply with the Terms of Sale and these Terms and Conditions of Use.
7. Applicable law
These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.
Terms of Sale
The offer and sale of products on are governed by these Terms of Sale, together with the Terms and Conditions of Use, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy. The products purchased on are sold by TLG UK SERVICES LTD – an affiliate of The Level SRL – (the “Vendor” or “we”) – with register office in
You can request any information through our support services by contacting our Customer Service. You can find information about orders, shipping, refunds and returns of products purchased on . Remember that you can always contact the Vendor through the Customer Service area.
For any other legal information, please consult the following sections: Terms and Conditions of Use, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy.
1. Our business policy
1.1 On , the Vendor offers products for sale and provides its e-commerce activity exclusively for its end users who are “consumers”.
1.2 When we refer to a “consumer”, we mean any natural person who uses for purposes that are unrelated to his/her commercial, business or professional activity. If you are not a “consumer”, please refrain from making sales transactions on .
1.3 In consideration of its business policy, the Vendor reserves the right to refrain from processing orders from parties other than the “consumer” or in any case orders that do not comply with its business policy.
1.4 These Terms of Sale exclusively govern the offer, sending and acceptance of purchase orders for products on between users of and the Vendor.
1.5 The Terms of Sale do not govern the provision of services or the sale of products by parties that are not the Vendor who are present on through links, banners or other hyperlinks. Therefore, before placing orders and purchasing products and services from parties other than the Vendor, we advise that you check their terms of sale, as the Vendor is not responsible for the provision of services by third parties or the execution of e-commerce transactions between users of and third parties.
2. How to finalise a contract with the Vendor
2.1 In order to finalise the purchase contract for one or more products on , you must fill in the electronic order form and send it to the Vendor electronically, following the relevant instructions.
2.2 The order form contains a reference to the Terms of Sale and the Return Policy, and a summary of the essential characteristics of each product ordered and its price (including all applicable taxes or duties), the payment methods you can use to purchase each product and the delivery methods of the products purchased, the shipping and delivery costs, the conditions for exercising your right of withdrawal and the methods and times for returning purchased products.
2.3 The contract is considered finalised when the Vendor receives your order form electronically, after verifying the data related to your order is correct.
2.4 Before proceeding with the purchase of the products, by sending the order form, you will be asked to carefully read the Terms of Sale and the Return Policy, to print a copy using the print option and to save or reproduce a copy for your personal records.
2.5 The order form will be filed in our database for the time required to process the orders and, in any case, within the terms of the law. You can access your order form by consulting the section.
2.6 After the contract has been finalised, the Vendor will process your purchase order.
2.7 The Vendor may choose not to process your purchase orders at its sole discretion, in particular if there are insufficient guarantees of solvency or if the data is incomplete or incorrect, or if the products are unavailable. In these cases, we will inform you via email that the contract has not been finalised and that the Vendor has not processed your purchase order and specify the reasons for this. If the products presented on = are no longer available or on sale at the time of your last access to the site or when you send your order form, the Vendor shall inform you, promptly and in any case within thirty (30) days from the day after you have sent your order, of the unavailability of the ordered products. In the case that the order form has been sent and the price of the product paid, the Vendor will refund the amount that has already been paid.
2.8 8 By sending the order form electronically, you unconditionally accept and undertake to observe these Terms of Sale in your dealings with the Vendor. If you do not agree with some of the terms set out in the Terms of Sale, please do not submit the order form for the purchase of products on .
2.9 By submitting the order form, you confirm that you are aware of and accept the Terms of Sale and further information contained on , also referred to via links, including the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of .
2.10 Upon finalising the contract, the Vendor will send you a receipt for the purchase order via email, which will contain the information already provided on the order form (reference to the Terms of Sale and Return Policy, information related to the essential characteristics of the product and a detailed indication of the price, payment methods, your right of withdrawal and delivery costs).
3. Guarantees and product price indication
3.1 Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC – a company with registered office in – and/or the manufacturer authorized by Stuart Weitzman IP, LLC, owns the exclusive license rights for the Stuart Weitzman trademark under which the products are sold on this site.
3.2 The Vendor does not sell second-hand products, flawed products or products of lower quality than the corresponding market standards.
3.3 The essential characteristics of the products are provided on on each product page. The images and colours of the products offered for sale on may not correspond to the real colours of the products due to the Internet browser and monitor used.
3.4 Product prices may be subject to updates. Please check the final sale price before submitting your order form.
3.5 Purchase requests from countries other than the country selected for shipment or to addresses to which the Vendor cannot ship will not be accepted by the Vendor.
3.6 All products have an identification tag with a disposable seal attached. We ask that you do not remove the tag and the seal from the purchased products, as they constitute an integral part of the same.
3.7 If you decide to exercise your right to return the products, the Vendor may refuse to accept damaged products without tags or altered in regards to their main characteristics or quality.
4. Payments
4.1 Payment of the price of the products and the costs of their shipping and delivery must be made using one of the methods indicated on the order form.
4.2 If you pay by credit/debit card, your financial information (e.g. credit/debit card number or expiration date) will be sent to an external payment service provider (PSP) which guarantees the security of online transactions using a 128-bit SSL-certified encrypted protocol. Moreover, this information will never be used by the Vendor except for carrying out procedures relevant to your purchase, or issuing refunds in the case of returns, subsequent to the exercising of your right to withdrawal, or if it is necessary to prevent or report the commission of fraud on to the police. The price for the purchase of the products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the order form, will be charged to your bank account when the purchased products are shipped.
4.3 International transaction fees: The Vendor does not apply any extra charges past the requested amount made at the time of purchase; any such fees that appear on your bank statement are withdrawn by your bank.
5. Shipping and delivery of products
For information on the specific methods of product shipping and delivery, please visit the section. We ask that you take care to pay attention to this section as the information contained herein is an integral and substantial part of these Terms of Sale and, therefore, you are deemed to be fully aware and to have accepted it at the time the order form is sent.
6. Customer Service
You can request any information you may require through our support services: contact our Customer Service by . For further information, please visit the area.
7. Right of withdrawal
7.1 As the consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract you have entered into with the Vendor, without penalty and without specifying the reason, within fourteen (14) working days from the day of receipt of the products purchased on . It is not possible to make exchanges.
7.2 Please refer to the section for full details regarding contract withdrawal. Please read all the information carefully, as it is an integral and substantial part of these Terms of Sale and, therefore, you are deemed to be fully aware and to have accepted it at the time the order form is sent.
8. Privacy
8.1 You will find information on how we process your personal data in our .
8.2 We also ask that you read our , if you have not already done so, as they contain important information on how we process our users’ personal data and the security systems we use.
8.3 For additional information about our Privacy Policy, you can send your requests through the Customer Service area or to the address of our Vendor’s registered office in
9. Applicable law
The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and, in particular, by Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005, on the Consumer Code, with specific reference to the regulations on distance contracts, and by Italian Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003 on certain aspects of electronic commerce.
10. . Amendments and updates
The Terms of Sale are amended from time to time in consideration of any regulatory changes also. The new Terms of Sale will be effective from their date of publication on .
11. Company information
The Vendor uses DHL services for shipments to the Russian Federation. We ask that you read the following Terms and Conditions of Use carefully.
The following General Terms and Conditions apply to services provided by DHL Express Courier with respect to the delivery of express shipments for personal use.
Express Courier: DHL Express is represented in the Russian Federation by two entities, DHL International ZAO and DHL Express OOO. DHL Express and third parties work together to deliver express shipments within international territory and complete the relevant customs operations.
The term “clearance agent” means that DHL Express OOO carries out customs clearance operations in the name and on behalf of the applicant and third parties concerned in accordance with the laws of the Customs Union.
“Express shipment” means goods are sent using the express method with any means of transport, while the shipment is organised and monitored electronically on the website, in order to deliver the aforementioned goods to the Consignee in accordance with an individual delivery note in the shortest possible time or in any case within a fixed period of time.
“Sender” means the legal entity, normally an online store, which is sending the express shipment to the Express Courier for delivery.
“Consignee” means the individual recipient of an express shipment as specified in the DHL Express delivery note.
2.1 These Terms and Conditions constitute a public offer and form a consensual Agreement for the delivery and Customs operations relating to Express Shipments from and between the Shipper/Receiver, the Express Carrier and the Customs Broker (“Agreement”).
2.2 The Receiver of the Express Shipment accepts the provisions of this Agreement for themselves and for third parties directly or indirectly interested, including the Shipper, by pressing a button, ticking a box or inserting any other sign inside the box “I accept the terms and conditions of this offer”, as well as/or by any other means that confirms their actual consent when ordering goods on the Shipper’s website.
2.3 According to the governing legislation in the Russian Federation, the Express Carrier and the Customs Broker have the right to demand from the Receiver documents and information necessary for international delivery of the Express Shipment and related customs operations, including commercial information, bank or other data protected by law or other confidential information, and obtain such documents and information within the time limits necessary to comply with all requirements specified by the governing legislation.
The Express Carrier and the Customs Broker hereby acknowledge and confirm that the information obtained, including commercial, bank and other data protected by law or confidential, will not be disclosed or used by the Express Carrier or the Customs Broker and their respective employees for internal purposes or transmitted to other persons, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation or where disclosure of the information is necessary for the international delivery of Express Shipments and customs operations.
3.1 The Shipper and the Receiver acknowledge that the normal DHL Express Delivery Terms and Conditions apply to the carriage of goods via the DHL Express network; the key provisions of these Terms and Conditions, essential for the Receiver, are listed below:
DELIVERIES AND UNDELIVERABLES: Shipments cannot be delivered to PO boxes and postal codes without a specified address. Shipments are delivered to the Receiver’s address provided by the Shipper (in the case of postal services, the Shipper is deemed to be the first receiving the postal service), but not necessarily to the named Receiver in person. Shipments to addresses with a central receiving service will be delivered exactly to the specified area. If the Shipment is deemed to be unacceptable, or it has been undervalued for customs purposes, or the Receiver cannot actually be identified or located, or the Receiver refuses delivery or payment, DHL shall use reasonable efforts to return the Shipment to the Shipper at the Shipper’s cost. If this is not possible, DHL is entitled to sell the item without incurring any liability whatsoever to the Shipper or anyone else, with the proceeds of sale less service charges and related administration costs.
INSPECTION: DHL has the right to open a Shipment and inspect its contents without notice.
DHL’S LIABILITY: DHL’s liability is limited to loss or damage and may not exceed the weight limits outlined in Section 6. All other types of loss or damage are excluded (including but not limited to lost profits, interest and future business), whether such loss or damage is special or indirect, or if the risk of such loss or damage was brought to DHL’s attention before or after confirming the Shipment. If the Shipment combines carriage by air, road or any other mode of transport, air transport shall be considered the primary form of transportation. DHL’s liability in respect of any one Shipment transported, subject to Sections 7-11, is limited to the actual cash value and may not exceed:
– an amount calculated on the basis of $US 25.00/kilogram or $US 11.34/lb for Shipments transported by air or other non-road mode of transportation; or
– an amount calculated on the basis of $US 12.00/kilogram or $US 5.44/lb for Shipments transported by road.
Claims are limited to one claim per Shipment; settlement of such claim will be full and final for all lost or damaged goods included in the above Shipment. If the Shipper considers these limits as insufficient, they must make a special declaration of value and request insurance as described in Section 8 (Shipment Insurance) or make their own insurance arrangements, failing which the Shipper assumes all risk of loss and damage.
TIME LIMITS FOR SUBMITTING CLAIMS: All claims must be submitted in writing to DHL within thirty (30) days from the date that DHL accepted the Shipment, failing which DHL shall have no liability whatsoever for these claims.
DELAYED SHIPMENTS AND MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: DHL will make every reasonable effort to deliver according to its regular delivery schedules, but these schedules are not binding and do not form part of this Agreement. DHL is not liable for any damages or loss caused by delays. In certain cases, some services include a money-back guarantee which provides for a credit or refund of all or part of the Shipment’s transportation costs in case of delays. The Money-Back Guarantee Terms and Conditions are available on the DHL website () or from DHL Customer Service. ()
CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND DHL’S CONTROL: DHL is not liable for any loss or damage arising out of circumstances beyond its control. These include but are not limited to electrical or magnetic damage to, or erasure of, electronic or photographic images, data or recordings; any defect or characteristic related to the nature of the Shipment, even if previously reported to DHL; any act or omission by a person not employed by DHL – e.g. Shipper, Receiver, third party, customs authorities or other government officials; “Force Majeure” – e.g. earthquake, cyclone, storm, flood, fog, war, plane crash, embargo, riot or civil commotion, industrial action.
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS: If Shipments are transported by air and involve a final destination or intermediate stop in a country other than the country of departure, the Montreal Convention or the Warsaw Convention will apply, as appropriate. For international road transportation, the Convention for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) will apply. These conventions limit DHL’s liability for loss or damage to the goods shipped.
ROUTING: The Shipper agrees to all routing and diversion, including the possibility that the Shipment may be carried via intermediate stopping places.
GOVERNING LAW: Any dispute arising under of or in any way connected with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject, for the benefit of DHL, to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the country of origin of the Shipment and governed by the laws of that country, and the Shipper irrevocably submits to such jurisdiction, unless contrary to applicable law.
3.2 The full text of the DHL Express Network Terms and Conditions of Carriage can be found at .
4.1. Customs Broker:
4.1.1 may perform customs declaration of Express Shipments;
4.1.2. must inform the Receiver of the date of the Shipment’s arrival at the Temporary Storage Facility (TSF) by fax or email;
4.1.3. must carry out any other actions established by the laws of the Customs Union and the Russian Federation, necessary to perform the customs operations as a person authorized by the Receiver to act in respect of the declared Express Shipment.
4.2. The Receiver must provide accurate and complete details and documents stating that the Express Shipment is validated by the laws of the Customs Union and the Russian Federation, and provide additional documents at the Customs Broker’s request.
All documents required for the declaration of goods must be provided within ten (10) days after the goods arrive at the Temporary Storage Facility (TSF).
4.3. The Receiver shall carry out all formalities related to the frequency of receipt of shipments at his own risk and cost.
4.4. The Shipper and the Receiver guarantee that they have the legal authority and legal basis for the Customs Broker to legally act on their behalf and that they are fully liable for providing complete and accurate information regarding the Express Shipment.
5.1. The Receiver shall be liable for any penal sanctions imposed on the Customs Broker as a result of any violation of customs regulations by the latter, due to the Receiver’s failure to provide complete and comprehensive documents and information, including inconsistencies in transported goods and accompanying documents in terms of name, quantity and other characteristics affecting the declaration due, as well as delays in their delivery; in which case the Receiver will reimburse the Customs Broker the full amount of such sanctions in a separate invoice.
5.2. The Customs Broker shall not be liable for lost profits or other consequential and contingent damages suffered by the Receiver, even if such damages are foreseeable or have already been made known to the Customs Broker or the Customs Broker could have known about them.
5.3. The Parties shall be released from liability for their failure to comply with all or part of their respective obligations herein only in the event of Force Majeure and where such circumstances directly affected the performance of this Agreement.
6.1. Service fees shall be determined based on the Custom Brokers’s rates from the invoice date, including amounts for customs and other fees paid by the Customs Broker while providing their services.
6.2. The Receiver must pay for the services of the Customs Broker.
6.3. The Customs Broker reserves the right to withhold any goods of the Receiver at the latter’s expense until the Customs Broker’s services have been paid in full by the Receiver.
7.1. Should these Terms and Conditions and/or Agreement be modified, the Parties agree to apply the Terms and Conditions from the date of agreement specified in Clause 2.2.
Returns Policy
The aim of The level s.r.l. (“the Seller”) is to guarantee your full satisfaction. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you can exercise your right to cancel, without incurring any penalty, within 14 working days from the day you received the products purchased at . The products to be returned must be delivered to the courier within fourteen (14) working days from the date of their receipt. The products can be returned by shipping the package through the courier indicated by the Seller (UPS), or through another carrier, only after filling in the Return Authorization Number request which can be found online in the Customer Service area in order to obtain the return number. It is not possible to exchange the chosen item for another one.
Conditions for exercising the right to cancel:
A. The request for return authorization must be filled out correctly and sent to the Seller within 14 working days from the delivery date. The request can also be sent, within the same time limit, by special delivery (raccomandata AR) to;
B. Products must not have been used, worn, washed or damaged;
C. Tags must still be attached to the products with the disposable seal;
D. Products must be returned in their original packaging;
E. Returned products must be sent to the Seller in a single shipment. The Seller reserves the right not to accept items of the same order if returned and shipped at different times;
If you have complied with all required conditions, the Seller will refund the price of the purchased products, and you will be responsible only for the return costs, i.e. those incurred when returning the purchased products to the Seller. If you decide to use the UPS courier, however, you will not have to pay the return costs yourself, as the Seller will pay the UPS courier on your behalf, withholding from the refund an amount equal to the cost previously incurred for the delivery of the purchased products to your home. If you decide to use a different carrier, you will have to pay the return costs yourself. You will be contacted if your return cannot be accepted because it does not comply with the above conditions. In this case, you can opt to have the purchased products returned to you at your own expense. If you refuse this shipment the Seller reserves the right to keep the products and the amount corresponding to the purchase of products.
After the Seller has received your returned items and checked that all requirements have been met, you will receive an email confirming acceptance of the returned items. Whatever payment method you use (credit/debit card or cash payment on delivery), the refund is activated by the Seller as soon as possible and, in any case, within fourteen (14) days from the date on which they became aware of the exercise of your right to cancel, once it has been verified that the cancellation has taken place in accordance with the above conditions. The actual time for crediting or refunding the amount paid when purchasing the products is dependent on the payment method used:
A. Purchase by credit/debit card: Refund processing time depends on the credit/debit card company, but normally takes place no longer than the time of two bank statements. Please note that the value date of the refund will in any case be the same as the debit date, so you will not suffer any loss in terms of bank interest;
B. Cash payment on delivery: The refund is made to the account you indicated, so the refund time depends on the correctness of the data entered; Normally the refund takes place within fourteen (14) days.
All products offered for sale by the Seller have a tag fixed with a disposable seal, which is an integral part of the goods. We invite you to try the product without removing the tag and its seal because we will not accept any returned products that do not have them.
3. UPS
Returns can be shipped via the UPS courier indicated by the Seller, using the pre-printed label you will find inside your package. This method will allow the Seller to pay for the shipment on your behalf and to verify at any time where your package is located. Contact UPS to arrange the pickup. If you decide to use a different shipping agent to return the products, other than the one indicated by the Seller, you will have to pay the costs of the return yourself and you will be responsible in case of loss or damages to the products during transport.
Taxes and Duties
To ensure that the most accurate pricing and delivery costs are displayed while browsing our site, we recommend you to select your country from the list of shipping destinations. Local VAT will be applied for all EU destinations and the UK.
Most non-EU countries are shipped to on a DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) basis, which means that all relevant import taxes and duties will be included in the product price.
The following countries are shipped to on a DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) basis: -United Kingdom* (starting 1/1/2021) – India – Turkey – Canada – Mexico United States
Last update: December 2020